Adi Sapir

Dr. Adi Sapir

Department of Leadership and Policy in Education

Faculty of Education

University of Haifa


Sapir. A. (2021) Student Volunteering in Historical Perspective: Debates and tensions in Israeli Higher Education. Oxford Review of Education. Forthcoming: 

Sapir. A. (2021). Social Engagement as a Proto-institution: Histories of Institutional Emergence in the Israeli Higher Education Field.  Higher Education Quarterly.  Forthcoming:

Sapir, A. (2021) What student support practitioners know about non-traditional students: a practice-based approach. Higher Education Research & Development. Forthcoming:

Sapir, A. (2021) Negotiating a dual deficit: the work of student support between conservative audacity and tempered radicalism. Studies in Higher Education. Forthcoming:

Sapir, A. (2021) Widening participation policy as practice: category work and local policy enactments at student support units. Journal of Education Policy. Forthcoming:

Sapir, A. (2021) Brokering knowledge, monitoring compliance: technology transfer professionals on the boundary between academy and industry, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 43(3), 248-263.

Sapir, A. (2019) The costs of “free listening”: Negotiating the moral economy of the university. Critical Studies in Education, 62 (5), 592-607.

Sapir, A. (2019) Contested Internal Legitimacy: the emergence of organized academic entrepreneurship. Journal of Management History, 26(1), 1-18.

Sapir, A. (2019) Mythologizing the story of a scientific invention:  Constructing the legitimacy of research commercialization. Organization Studies, 41(6), 799-820. 

Sapir, A., & Kameo, N. (2019) Rethinking loose coupling of rules and entrepreneurial practices among university scientists: a Japan–Israel comparison. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44(1), 49-72.‏

Sapir, A. (2018) Early academic entrepreneurship: The founding of Yeda R&D company at the Weizmann Institute of Science. In: Sapir, A. and Drori, G. (eds.) Israeli Academia in Transition, special issue of Megamot, 53:1, 159-188. [Hebrew]

Sapir, A. (2017) Protecting the purity of pure research: Organizational boundary-work at an institute of basic research. Minerva, A Review of Science, Learning and Policy, 55(1), 65-91.

Sapir, A. and Oliver, A. (2017) From academic laboratory to the market: Disclosed and undisclosed narratives of commercialization.  Social Studies of Science, 47 (1): 33–52.

Sapir, A. and Oliver, A. (2017) Loose coupling, conflict and resistance: The case of IPR policy conflict in an Israeli university. Higher Education, 73(5), 709-724. 

Oliver, A. and Sapir, A. (2017) Shifts in the Organization and Profession of Academic Science: The Impact of IPR and Technology Transfer. Journal of Professions and Organization, 4 (1): 36-54. 

Sapir, A., Drori. I. and Ellis, S. (2016) The practice of organizational learning through collaboration between peripheral and core occupational communities in an innovative technology firm. European Management Review, 13(1): 19-36.

Cohen, U. and Sapir, A. (2016) Models of academic governance during a period of nation-building: The Hebrew University in the 1920s-1950s. History of Education, 45 (5): 602-620.